Real-time tools for analysis of high compression rate dynamic diamond anvil cell experiment data
Scientists from LANL’s Applied Computer Science and Shock & Detonation Physics Groups recently developed Cinema:Snap, a software tool designed for the management and visualization of very large high-pressure X-ray diffraction datasets. Developed specifically for high compression rate dynamic diamond anvil cell (d-DAC) experiments, Cinema:Snap allows a user to visualize both raw (2D images, integrated spectra, etc.) and processed (pressure vs. frame, contour plots, etc.) data from an entire compression through a variety of user-defined views. A description and case study of Cinema:Snap was recently published in Review of Scientific Instruments ( and the software will be accessible to HPCAT users, and the broader high-pressure community, in the near future.
Display of titanium data from rapid compression at Advanced Photon Source from August 2020. The four components highlighted are (a) the address bar toconnect to a Cinema database, (b) a parallel coordinates plot with labels (Chi, Chi_inc, Count_cutoff, Detector_dist, Exp_per, Exp_time, N_osc, Phi, Phi_inc, Start_ang,Tau, Wavelen), (c) a menu to select which visualizations will be displayed, and (d) a configurable region to organize the visualizations. In this example, the user has selectedfour visualizations (left-to-right and top-to-bottom): “Pressure vs Frame,” “Intensity vs Angle,” diffraction image, and “Intensity vs Frame Contour Diagram.”