ANNOUNCING the joint 2027 AIRAPT-SCCM conference
Venue: Sheraton Grand Hotel, Chicago Illinois
June 28-July 2, 2027 (tentative dates)
We are pleased to announce that the selection for 2027 SCCM conference has been awarded to the team lead by Nenad Velisavljevic and Amy Lazicki, and in collaboration with the Chicagoland high pressure research groups and facilities. In tandem, the proposing team was also successful in competitive selection by AIRAPT (Association Internationale pour L'Avancement de la Reserche et de la Technologie aux Hautes Pression, the International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology) for a joint 2027 AIRAPT-SCCM conference to be held June 28-July 2, 2027 (tentative dates) in Chicago, IL.
Nearly 80 years since Percy Bridgman won the Nobel Prize in Physics (yr1946) for discoveries in the domain of high-pressure physics, it is remarkable and humbling to see amazing advances still being made today in research of matter at extreme pressure-temperature conditions. Just over the last decade we have seen major accomplishments from the static and dynamic compression communities. The static community has extended the accessible pressure range to well above 400 GPa using double-stage and FIB-crafted toroidal diamond anvils, and they have coupled diamond anvil cells with dynamic drivers for higher strain rate measurements (approaching 103/s). There has been significant advancement in materials discovery by high pressure chemistry, even pushing towards room-T superconductors. Likewise, the dynamic community has advanced the use of laser platforms for more robust shock and high-strain rate (<105/s) compression and the field has broadened to include a wide range of academic and national laboratory researchers, especially with the increasing availability of high-power laser drivers at x-ray free electron lasers and synchrotrons. Advances in pulsed power and traditional gas guns, along with laser platforms, are also providing new compression P-T paths for isentropic and shockless high strain rate compression, as well as more complex shock-ramp and shock-release loading. Traditional gun platforms also continue to advance and are now being routinely used for shock and more complex loading, and these large-scale drivers are now available at x-ray synchrotron facilities. Gun and laser platforms coupled with in situ x-ray diagnostics, along with next-generation DAC and large volume press capabilities, are providing unprecedented high-resolution measurements of material properties at extreme pressure, temperature, and strain rate conditions. One of the most notable developments over the last decade has been the increased crossover between static to quasi-static (low strain rate) to complex high strain rate to shock research efforts. The goal of the joint 2027 AIRAPT-SCCM will be focused on attracting diverse high pressure community, training and discussion about the emergent capabilities in the field, and outreach toward improved collaboration across all high pressure research areas.
The lead organizers, Nenad Velisavljevic (Chair) and Amy Lazicki (Co-Chair) and High Pressure Collaborative Access Team (HPCAT) hosting institution, are committed to working with Chicagoland high pressure groups and facilities, including: Dynamic Compression Sector (DCS) and GeoSoilEnviroCARS (GSECARS) at Advanced Photon Source; Northwestern University, University of Chicago, and University of Illinois Chicago (UIC). The organizing team is also working on establishing a diverse and well represented International Advisory Committee and representing members from the AIRAPT and GCCM Executive Council.
With this announcement we extend an invitation and save-the-date for this exciting conference. The organizers welcome community input and suggestions; please share the information with your colleagues. The joint 2027 AIRAPT-SCCM provides a great platform for further advancement of high pressure research and will be a unique venue to assemble the broader high pressure research community and, at one event, present winners of four major awards in our field: Bridgman (via AIRAPT) - high level career award; Jamieson Award (via AIRAPT) - for graduate student or postdoctoral researcher; George E. Duvall Shock Compression Science Award (via GCCM) - high level career award; and New Ashcroft Award (via GCCM) – NEWEST addition introduced in 2022 to honor Professor Neil Aschroft and awarded to early/mid-career within 10yr of PhD.
On behalf of the organizing committee, we look forward to working together and seeing you all at the 2027 AIRAPT-SCCM conference in Chicago.
Nenad and Amy
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
And local organizing institutions