Dear High Pressure Community,
Registration is now open for the Opportunities for Advancement for Studies of Matter at Extreme Condition with APS/HPCAT-Upgrade to be held at the APS Conference Center, building 401-402, November 7-9, 2023. https://cvent.me/Bke3M5
The workshop will be both a celebration of the past 20-plus-years’ achievements chronicled by some plenary talks given by current leaders in the field chosen from our past collaborators and several parallel scientific discussions that will bring together these stalwarts with beamline scientists from HPCAT, other beamlines at the APS, scientists from other high-pressure facilities, and you - our user community. In addition to the plenary talks, we are planning five parallel discussion sessions to address key scientific areas impacting extreme conditions science in the coming years and where we hope to make major contributions in collaboration with you, our users and partners.
STUDENT TRAVEL SUPPORT - We have limited funding to support ~15 students to attend the workshop and present a poster. If you would like to be considered, please submit a brief abstract (~1/2 to 1 page MAX) of work you will present at the POSTER SESSION on Tuesday, November 7th. Please note, to encourage diverse attendance group at workshop, we plan to limit student support to 1-2 per institution.
In addition to the plenary talks, breakout discussion sessions, and Poster Session, we hope you will join the banquet on Wednesday, November 8th to celebrate HPCAT’s past achievements, and look forward to the future opportunities in high pressure science to be enabled with the APS and HPCAT upgrades.
Thank you for participating!
HPCAT Workshop Organizers
FOR SITE ACCESS - list Freda Humble fhumble@anl.gov as your sponsor