Recent Media mentions from experiments performed at HPCAT
March 2021:
Tech Explorist Proton rivers made of superionic phases may be flowing through Earth’s deep mantle
February 2021:
Physics World Solar-cell perovskites turn stable under pressure
Brinkwire Squeezing a Rock-Star Material in a Diamond Anvil to Make It Stable Enough for Solar Cells
January 2021:
SLAC News Squeezing a rock-star material could make it stable enough for solar cells
Newswise Squeezing a rock-star material could make it stable enough for solar cells Squeezing a rock-star material could make it stable enough for solar cells
Nanowerk Squeezing a rock-star material could make it stable enough for solar cells
EurekAlert! Squeezing a rock-star material could make it stable enough for solar cells
Scienmag Squeezing A Rock-Star Material Could Make It Stable Enough For Solar Cells
Science Daily Squeezing a rock-star material could make it stable enough for solar cells
December 2020: Potential extreme condition history detector—recoverable PL achieved in pyrochlore
EurekAlert! Potential extreme condition history detector - recoverable PL achieved in pyrochlore
Bioengineer Potential extreme condition history detector – recoverable PL achieved in pyrochlore
Scienmag Potential Extreme Condition History Detector – Recoverable PL Achieved In Pyrochlore
AZO Sensors Enhanced Tricolor Photoluminescence Could be Helpful for Extreme Condition History Detection
November 2020:
USA Today Scientists create diamonds in minutes, first time in lab without added heat
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Scientists create diamonds in minutes, first time in lab without added heat
MSN News We created diamonds in mere minutes, without heat — by mimicking the force of an asteroid collision
Indy Star Scientists create diamonds in minutes, first time in lab without added heat
Detroit Free Press Scientists create diamonds in minutes, first time in lab without added heat
Statesman Journal Scientists create diamonds in minutes, first time in lab without added heat
The Arizona Republic Scientists create diamonds in minutes, first time in lab without added heat
Greenville News Scientists create diamonds in minutes, first time in lab without added heat
The Conversation We created diamonds in mere minutes, without heat — by mimicking the force of an asteroid collision
Cosmos Magazine Whip you up a diamond? No pressure
IFL Science - Diamond Is Synthesized At Room Temperature For The First Time
SciTech Daily Scientists Defy Nature: Making Diamonds in Minutes at Room Temperature
Big Think Diamonds have been created at room temperature in a lab
National Interest Want to Quickly Make Diamonds? Just Replicate an Asteroid Collision
The Print How we created diamonds within minutes
Technology Networks Scientists Make Diamonds at Room Temperature in Minutes
Tech Times Diamonds in Minutes! Scientists Use Anvil Cell to Produce Harder, Purest Hexagonal Crystals
India Times Scientists Make Diamonds In Lab With Pressure Of 640 Elephants On A Ballet Shoe Tip
Interesting Engineering Scientists Create Diamonds in Minutes at Room Temperature
Science Alert For The First Time Ever, Scientists Have Created Diamonds in The Lab Without Heat
Futurism Scientists Create Diamonds at Room Temperature
New Atlas Scientists produce rare diamonds in minutes at room temperature
Scimex Scientists defy nature to make insta-bling at room temperature We created diamonds in minutes without heat by mimicking the force of an asteroid collision
Science Daily Scientists defy nature to make insta-bling at room temperature
Forbes Advocate Australian scientists make diamonds in lab
September 2020: Aberrant electronic and structural alterations in pressure-tuned perovskite
Bioengineer Aberrant electronic and structural alterations in pressure tuned perovskite NaOsO3
Nanotechnology Now Aberrant electronic and structural alterations in pressure tuned perovskite NaOsO3
August 2020:
Science Bulletin Researchers discover superconductor with unexpected lattice configuration Researchers discover superconductor with unexpected lattice configuration
July 2020:
Solar Daily Pressure suppresses carrier trapping in 2D halide perovskite
AZO Materials Carrier Trapping Suppression in 2D Perovskite Significantly Enhances Emission Pressure suppresses carrier trapping in 2-D halide perovskite
EurekAlert! Pressure suppresses carrier trapping in 2-D halide perovskite
ScienMag Pressure suppresses carrier trapping in 2-D halide perovskite
June 2020: Checking out iron under pressure
LLNL News Checking out iron under pressure
SciTechDaily Experimenting With Iron Under Pressure to Better Understand the Physics, Chemistry, and Magnetic Properties of Earth
SLAC News How iron transforms under pressure
SciTechDaily How Iron Transforms Under Pressure: Planetary Cores and More Resilient Materials Scientists discover a long-sought-after nitrogen allotrope in black phosphorus structure
Technology Networks Long-sought-after Nitrogen Found in Black Phosphorus Structure
AZO Materials Researchers Identify a New Way to Synthesize Nitrogen-Based 2D Material
ScienMag Scientists Discover A Long-Sought-After Nitrogen Allotrope In Black Phosphorus Structure Order out of disorder in ice
EurekAlert! Order out of disorder in ice
Scitech Daily Order Out of Disorder in Ice
ScienMag Order Out Of Disorder In Ice
April 2020:
Science Daily Studying our galaxy's 'water worlds' Scientists lead study of galaxy's 'water worlds'
EurekAlert! ASU scientists lead study of galaxy's 'water worlds'
Newswise ASU scientists lead study of galaxy's 'water worlds'
IFL Science Scientists Have Used Diamond Anvils To Help Simulate Water World Interiors
Nanowerk Studying the galaxy's 'water worlds'
Newswise Beneath the surface of our galaxy’s water worlds
Scienmag Beneath The Surface Of Our Galaxy’s Water Worlds Beneath the surface of our galaxy's water worlds
Argonne National Laboratory Beneath the surface of our galaxy’s water worlds
EurekAlert! Beneath the surface of our galaxy's water worlds
Nanowerk Beneath the surface of our galaxy's water worlds
Space Daily Beneath the surface of exoplanet water worlds
SciTechDaily Surprising Findings Beneath the Surface of Our Galaxy’s Water Worlds
March 2020: New carbon-based nanomaterial: Facile diamond synthesis from lower 'diamondoids'
Space Daily Stanford research maps a faster, easier way to build diamond
New Atlas Stanford scientists turn fossil fuel molecule into pure diamond
Futurity Heat and Pressure Morph Fossil Fuel Molecule Into Pure Diamonds
SciTechDaily Modern Alchemy: Stanford Finds Fast, Easy Way to Make Diamonds – “Cheating the Thermodynamics”
Interesting Engineering These Scientists Turn Fossil Fuels Into Pure Diamonds Substance found in fossil fuels can transform into pure diamond
Science Daily A faster, easier way to build diamond
EurekAlert! Stanford research maps a faster, easier way to build diamond
January 2020:
Materials Today Caged atoms influence properties of new ‘super-diamond’ material
SciTechDaily Long-Sought-After ‘Superdiamond’ With Tunable Properties Synthesized by Scientists
Space Daily 'Superdiamond' carbon-boron cages can trap and tap into different properties 'Superdiamond' carbon-boron cages can trap and tap into different properties
Science Daily 'Superdiamond' carbon-boron cages can trap and tap into different properties
Nanowerk 'Superdiamond' carbon-boron cages can trap and tap into different properties
EurekAlert! 'Superdiamond' carbon-boron cages can trap and tap into different properties Would a deep-Earth water cycle change our understanding of planetary evolution?
EurekAlert! Would a deep-Earth water cycle change our understanding of planetary evolution?
Science Daily Would a deep-Earth water cycle change our understanding of planetary evolution?
Space Daily Would a deep-Earth water cycle change our understanding of planetary evolution?
Terra Daily Would a deep-Earth water cycle change our understanding of planetary evolution?
Environmental News Network Would a deep-Earth water cycle change our understanding of planetary evolution? Unique form of quartz may power deep-Earth water cycle
Breitbart Unique form of quartz may power deep-Earth water cycle